Of Faith, Hope, and Charity, the only one worth anything is Charity.
Charity is good.
Charity is very good. Be kind. Be helpful. Be generous.
Hope is silly.
Believing in or desiring a particular
outcome in the whole complex distribution of possible outcomes is a waste of time at best.
Faith is very very bad.
Every belief is partly wrong.
A belief held lightly, in accordance with observation, is called a working
hypothesis, and even a working hypothesis holds the constant danger of becoming a
place to waste the rest of your life. One of the best ways to the Truth is to unbelieve
everything you believe as quickly as possible, and then unbelieve this.
Faith is belief held against all new evidence, against all natural feeling.
Along with tribalism and the pervasive but insane notion
that the end justifies the means, it is the cause of, and justification for,
most of the evil that humans do.